This year our “Back to Church” service on Sept. 13 will be a chance for folks to reconnect over lunch, welcome some new faces, and learn about our plans for the upcoming year. Together we’re going to create a list of “supplies” that we’ll need for this year’s journey.
While we aren’t going to ask you to write an essay, we would like to encourage everyone to bring a picture, share an anecdote, or write a short description of something you saw or did on your summer vacation. If you have a cheesy souvenir, bring it along, and maybe over lunch we can have a go at “Show and Tell”. It doesn’t matter if you took a cruise, or went camping for the first time, went to the cottage, or got drenched on the lake, cleaned out the garage or had a “staycation,” everyone has a story to share.
Our hope is that as we share some of our stories, we’ll also be able to share some of the ways that we were touched by mystery and experienced God in our midst, even if we didn’t see it at the time.
We look forward to seeing everyone.
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