North Kildonan United Church has a very active prayer shawl ministry which combines prayer, knitting and crochet work for the ministry of others. Shawls that have been created are offered to those who are sick or bereaved, to those in crisis, to those celebrating a significant life event and to anyone who needs to feel loved and cared for.
In addition, knitted hats and mitts are created to be donated to organizations such as West Broadway Community Services and Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre which distribute them to young children in need.
We meet on the first Monday of each month, September to June, at 1:30 p.m. at the church and all that is required are your knitting tools. Wool is provided and we enjoy coffee and conversation together for approximately 90 minutes.
Those gathering together are committed to sharing joys and grief, celebrations and loss through their handiwork made with God’s love and blessings to all who receive the shawls through our ministry.
We welcome all ages to join us on an occasional or regular basis.
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