The men of North Kildonan United Church gather together for fellowship, service and education. We meet once a month for breakfast at a local restaurant to discuss opportunities for support to our local church and the wider community.
We have been involved in many projects at North Kildonan United Church including dinners, renovations, and fund raising projects. We often have a speaker from outside organizations such as 1Just City, and Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group or from our own members talking about their hobbies, career and travels. Currently, we sponsor the annual Irish Stew dinner and provide parking assistance for any upcoming concerts. In the past we have supported the renovation of the church building to facilitate accessibility, painted offices at West Broadway Community Services and assisted at annual United Church Regional Council gatherings. We welcome opportunities to help in our own church and with any organization that needs support.
All men are welcome to join us in this social opportunity and service to our community on a regular or occasional basis.
Contact information: nkuc@mymts.net