Welcome to the United Church Women (UCW).
The UCW of North Kildonan United Church believe that our function is to provide opportunities for mutual support, encourage fellowship and friendship, and develop leadership abilities. We promote growth in Christian understanding, faith and experience through worship, Bible study and involvement in community activities.
Our UCW is comprised of dedicated and committed members, many of whom have formed long lasting friendships. We are involved in meeting the needs of our congregation such as funeral receptions and church celebrations but also share our resources with many organizations in the city of Winnipeg such as the Christmas Cheer Board, Harvest Manitoba and West Broadway Community Services. We also support the work of the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada. We have hosted worship services such as the World Day of Prayer which welcomed other faith communities in North Kildonan.
Our meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. and are planned to include a business portion, followed by occasional programs or speakers and time to focus on fellowship. At each meeting we are inspired by a meaningful devotion and enjoy fellowship and refreshments after the program. Our meetings are approximately 90 minutes in length.
Through worship and work we strive to achieve a deeper commitment to God and the work that He has called us to do. Won’t you join us in this exciting journey of Christian witness, study, fellowship and service!
We welcome all ladies to join us on an occasional or regular basis.
Contact information: nkuc@mymts.net