We are now into the 2016 Stewardship Campaign, which concludes Nov. 22. The pledge sheet now includes a line for Capitol Projects pledge as well. If you have any questions regarding this, Tom Lyons, Ron Fortier and Clayton Gording will be available to answer them. A Thank You lunch will follow Nov. 22, as we close our Campaign.Looking Back/Looking Ahead
2015 Committee of Stewards Report
The Committee of Stewards, including the sub-committee of Property and Maintenance, are committed to maintaining a clean, safe environment for all church related activities, as well as to maintain the facility in a good physical and mechanical state, within our budgetary constraints. Heinz Goetz continues to be our lead and performing above beyond the call of duty on all aspects of property and maintenance.
In Christian tradition stewardship refers to the way time, talents, material possessions, or wealth are used or given for the service of God. NKUC is self-supporting. Salaries, ministries, building maintenance – all are paid from pledges, other financial gifts and income from building use. Our annual operating budget is funded entirely by pledges and offerings from our congregation, with fundraising activities and events making up the 10 to 15% shortfall.
As a people of God, we are also called upon to work in the world around us. We provide time and money for the work of the church beyond our church walls. This work takes place in our city, in our country and in countries all around the world. We also support the work of the United Church through Presbytery and Conference assessments. Our congregation has a strong outreach ministry both locally and through the Mission and Service Fund to the United Church. Throughout the year, we reach out beyond our day to day operating needs and provide additional support and funding to special projects as needs are identified. In 2014, over $24,000 (or 15%) of our income derived through your offerings and fundraising went to support outreach activities.
It costs a lot to support our community, carry on our ministry and care for our building and grounds. And so we give! At NKUC, we are blessed with a congregation that time and time again has demonstrated its generosity in terms of time, talent and offerings. The Stewards extend their thanks for your continued support.
In 2015, we have continued to maintain a stable financial position with the help of our regular fundraising activities. The following is a list of our major fundraising projects in 2015 along with the people having taken a lead on each one:
Garage Sale – April 18, 2015
Sisters of the Holy Rock – April 24, 2015
Bedding Plant Sale – May 2015 – Lorraine and Clayton Gording
Meat Sales/M&M Foods – Barrie McPherson
Morden’s Chocolates – Barrie McPherson
Fundscrip – Peggy Latimer
We want to express our sincere appreciation to all of these people, and all those who have supported these events for their contribution in making these activities so successful.
Hospitality Committee
As a sub-committee of the Committee of Stewards, the Hospitality Committee promotes, supports, and encourages fellowship, relationship and friendship building. The committee participates, collaborates and often takes the lead in preparing for Church related social functions and fundraising events. It maintains adequate supplies needed for meals and takes the lead in all areas requiring use of the church kitchen (setup, serve, clean up).
The committee has been lead for many years by the affable and so very competent Dorothy Franklin. The committee continues to do an incredible job in:
preparing refreshments for church events;
keeping track of all supplies necessary for such events;
developing and maintaining a log of food quantities per number of people;
developing a reasonable awareness of how much food is needed for functions;
training volunteers in use of kitchen machinery (think food sanitation, cleanliness, health department issues etc).
Looking Ahead
Harvest Howl – Friday, October 23, 2015
Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen – Sunday, December 6th at 2:00PM
The Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen are coming to NKUC to perform their Christmas Concert. This is a group of approximately 40 men who sing four-part a cappella harmony. It promises to be an enjoyable musical celebration of this special season. Tickets are: Adults – $15; Children ages 6 to 12 – $5; 5 and under – Free.
Given the October 4th congregational vote on moving forward with the $360,000 accessibility project, some concern has been expressed that as a congregation, some of us will be ‘stretched’, certainly ‘challenged’ in increasing our offerings in a significant way. Peggy reminds us that one way we can all do our part is to increase our participation with Fundscrip. We all need to buy groceries, gas, clothing, home improvement materials, or occasionally have a meal at our favourite restaurant. Please consider increasing your participation with Fundscrip by purchasing the gift cards to your favourite retailers. It does not cost you any more, and it allows the church to receive anywhere from 2 to 10% on the cards you have purchased. It’s easy and a great way to raise money for the church to meet its basic operating costs and to contribute to our Accessibility project. Everyone can, in some way, contribute.
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