There are many opportunities to become an active participant at North Kildonan United Church. You may want to get involved on a regular or occasional basis. Below is a snapshot of some of the areas you may want to look into. We welcome all who wish to serve in our community of faith. Contact: nkuc@mymts.net.
Our worship services are prepared and delivered in a meaningful and inspirational way. Our choir is committed to enhancing our services with their joyful music. We would welcome anyone who is interested in scripture reading, serving communion or sharing a musical talent. Our services are projected on a screen showing the order of service and lyrics to hymns. If technology is of interest, we would welcome help on our AV team. Find out more Worship with Us
Kid Konnection
Do you like to work with young or older children? We have opportunities to serve as leaders in our Kid Konnection Sunday school program. We welcome those interested in teaching or helping in the Christian education of our children. Our Kid Konnection is for children from nursery to Grade 6. If mentoring young adults is your interest, we have opportunities to lead in our Junior and Senior Youth groups. Programs – Children, Youth and Families.
Do you like to meet new people or catch up with our regulars? Would you like to meet and greet all those who come to join our community of faith? We would welcome those interested in greeting at the door, ushering, providing information brochures to newcomers, assisting with coffee hour and generally being a welcoming presence on Sunday mornings.
If baking is your passion, our Hospitality committee is always grateful for donations to our coffee time after worship and other special events planned throughout the year. This committee hosts meals and celebration events from September to June.
Pastoral Care
This committee is dedicated to ensuring that those who are unable to come to church are remembered and included as part of our church family. Information is shared with them through visits, phone calls, newsletters and emails. We welcome anyone who is interested in reaching out to our church family through involvement in this committee.
Our Outreach, Mission and Service committee is an active group who look into various projects and organizations within our city, province and country. We bring these needs to the congregation and set up events and activities to support them. Among our regular concerns to support are West Broadway Community Services and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. We promote support to refugee families, Harvest Manitoba and host Lunch ‘n Learn educational events. New members are always welcome to help in Christian outreach. Programs – Outreach
The Stewardship committee of North Kildonan United is responsible for fund raising, finance, budgets, property, stewardship campaigns and hospitality. If you like organizing events be it for fund raising or fellowship, we are your committee! We arrange events such as our annual Plant Sale, Quiz Nights, garage sales, annual MOrden’s chocolate and nut sale, FundScrip gift card sales and concerts such as Sisters of the Holy Rock. We are always looking for help with counting the offering or assisting with the stewardship campaign in the fall. We welcome new ideas and new members.
Property & Maintenance
Are you a handyman of sorts? Do you like to garden? Our church facility is well maintained but we are always looking for help with minor repairs and maintenance. There are small painting jobs, a spring cleaning time and we have a lovely patio and gardens to care for during the summer. And, this committee is not just for men! Ladies are most welcome.
Men’s Fellowship – United Church Women
The UCW of North Kildonan United Church is an active women’s fellowship dedicated to providing opportunities for mutual support, service to the community and to cultivate Christian stewardship in all of life. We are active in participating in church events such as our annual Christmas Bazaar, Christmas worship service and fellowship dinners. Our meetings include a business portion and occasional program or speaker and coffee fellowship. All ladies are welcome to attend on a regular or occasional basis. United Church Women
Our Men’s Fellowship Group meet once a month for breakfast which includes discussions on current events, speakers, outreach concerns and issues that may arise in our own community of faith. This group is open to all men who wish to engage in fellowship and service at North Kildonan United Church. You are welcome to attend on a regular or occasional basis.
Both groups meet from September to June. Men’s Fellowship
Contact information: nkuc@mymts.net