NKUC will be celebrating the resumption of our fall service with a Welcome Back luncheon, Sept. 11, following service. All are invited. Sept. 11 is also the first day of Sunday school classes and youth groups and is also registration day for both. There’s a lot more happening at NKUC this fall — we invite you to take a look and come out and join us.
Curriculum for the upcoming Sunday School year is entitled “Feasting on the Word.” All children and youth are invited to participate. The Christian Education department is looking forward to an interesting and inspiring year. We are also pleased to welcome new and returning teachers, and in particularJesse Santin, who has agreed to co-lead the Youth Group with Micaela Crighton.
Blessing The Backpacks
Sunday, Sept. 18
After the relatively carefree days of summer, fall brings with it a return to our usual activities and occupations. Picnic baskets and coolers are replaced by backpacks and brief cases. On Sunday, Sept. 18 we would like to bless those symbols of our busy lives in church, so if you have a backpack, athletic bag, attaché case, purse or merse, bring it along and receive a blessing – and a card to remind you that God is with you wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.
Pet Blessing
Saturday, Sept. 24, 11 a.m.
Our annual pet blessing service will be held rain or shine on Saturday, Sept.24 at 11 a.m. This year, in addition to asking for a blessing for our pets, we will also be acknowledging the lives of pets that have passed on. All pets are welcome but if you don’t want to bring Fido or Fluffy along, feel free to bring a photo.
Bible Boot Camp 2.0
WHEN: Five Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. beginning October 5. Sign-up sheet in the narthex.
For many of us, the Bible is the most important book that we’ve never read! It’s not that we haven’t tried—we have—many times—but despite our best attempts to read and understand the Bible, we can end up feeling frustrated, confused, (and yes) sometimes just plain bored. We’re not sure if the problem is with us, or with the book, but we know we’d like it to be different. If you’d like it to be different, then maybe Bible Boot Camp 2.0 is for you.
A follow-up to the Bible Boot Camp which we offered in the spring, Bible Boot Camp 2.0 is a stand-alone five session series that will provide an overview of the Christian New Testament from Matthew to Revelation, provide hints about how to read and interpret a biblical text, and provide a foundation for further reading.
Wednesday Morning Fellowship
WHEN: 9:45-11:30 a.m. beginning Wednesday, October 5.
Meetings of our long-standing discussion, study, and fellowship group returns on Wednesday, October 5. Meeting weekly from 9:45-11:30 a.m. from the first week of October to the first week of May (with a December hiatus) our Wednesday Morning Fellowship group is open to anyone who would like the opportunity to explore topics of mutual interest in a welcoming and non-threatening environment with good friends and good food. Past studies have included movies, novels, TV shows, prayer, spirituality, the Bible, and many more. Possible topics this year include “Last Things” by Marcus Borg, and “Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life: 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth.” See our weekly church news for more information.
Caring & Sharing
Our Intercessory Prayer Group meets every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. New participants are always welcome. Please contact Betty Hamilton or Marc Whitehead for more info.
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