This post arrived from Marc over the noon hour, Sunday, May 13.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Well, my visit on Eigg continues to be well, interesting.
Last night, and all day today, gale force winds, and torrential rain. Still, I walked to Kildonan, found the ruins of the ancient church, and the graveyard, paid homage to the saint, and got thoroughly soaked in the process.
I also ended up wandering around a sheep pasture, but that’s a story for another time.
I joined the Christian community (Karen and Mairi) here for worship, and had tea and conversation with Peggy after the service. Am out to dinner tonight to the restaurant next door — it’s only a 5 minute walk away, but I don’t relish going out in this again. My rain jacket and pants are still drying out!
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